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This post is a quick breakdown of some of my favourite different methods for releasing trauma and they’ve been split into two groups, one focuses on spiritual practices and the other focuses on holistic therapies. The areas and topics covered are:
- Tantra massage
- Acupuncture
- Reflexology
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Psychotherapy
- Spiritual healing
Spiritual Practises
Tantra massage
Tantra massage is one of the few styles of massage that enable contact between the therapist and client in areas of the body considered more intimate like the thighs, buttocks, inner legs, pelvic floor and genitals and this type of massage is excellent for releasing trauma if you find the right therapist as its goal is not merely sexual gratification. Whilst many see tantra massage as done for pleasure and enjoyment, tantric healers have also traditionally had a primary role in healing and releasing sexual trauma and trauma energies from the body. In a relaxed and surrendered state whilst listening to appropriate music breath-work can also begin to dissolve into and remove these harmful dark or stagnant energies that correspond to past events.
One can also attempt tantra massage on their own even without professional training. By initially massaging in sweeping circles using very light touch and skimming the surface of the skin and muscles on the backs of the legs and thighs, over time this facilitates bringing trauma to the surface and out of the body. Initially, you may not feel much beyond ordinary skin contact, but eventually, you may become aware of sore or sensitive areas that represent a type of emotional pain that has become trapped in the body and in order to process this emotional and psychological material changes to facial expressions will happen on their own in response to emotions and past events and you may then feel heightened sensitivity and even physical pain and discomfort in the body as these sensations climax and then release. After a number of sessions, you will be able to become aware of things having been removed and over time this will facilitate healing and restoring the proper appearance of the face and other areas of the body that have been damaged by trauma and karma.
Yoga is a spiritual practice that is especially good at releasing trauma and ego from the body, but it is especially beneficial at working with and helping the soul and consciousness to heal and recover. Over a period of time, different issues are worked out and resolved by examining them in a psychic or mental environment. From here it’s possible to acknowledge and process past mistakes in order to free and release oneself from karma and its connected trauma and impure energies, diseases and dysfunctions in the body. There are many different styles of yoga to choose from, however, I find that yin yoga is most beneficial for trauma and karma release as the positions are held for a longer time rather than the positions just being used as part of a cardio or muscle-building exercise routine.
Yoga is very effective at working on trauma through muscular and tendon tension release in the fingers, toes, hamstrings, hips and pelvis. The toes at the front and underside of the foot serve as tension winding points that store potential energy and karma information using tension like a ratchet strap. If this isn’t released over time it will cause physical joint stiffness and mobility issues.
Prayer is a way of signalling that you’re committed and devoted to God or your respective divine and helps to undo the damage of spiritual afflictions and spiritual corruption, often responsible for giving the face a sinister expression or dirty looking evil eye. One’s mental intention, attitude and vocal tone are very important parts of effective prayer requests and communication as they demonstrate the extent to which someone is sincere and determined.
If prayers are not mentalised or spoken confidently, they are often ignored or missed. Many prayers help people to feel safe and begin to naturally surrender the body from tension, anxiety and free contracted muscles and will assist to release any ego or negative fear energies from the body in order to still and quiet the mind. The mind may then later begin to process some of these energies in order to release different issues by helping to de-identify from within one’s own consciousness different harmful, toxic or sinister beliefs and attitudes.
Prayer is an excellent way to release fear, trauma and any number of spiritual afflictions affecting parts of the body such as the damaging effects of sexual perversion such as queer related trauma, any number of negative ego attributes or bad attitudes. Prayer can be the beginning of surrendering and releasing the tension that is responsible for creating pain and chronic stress factors in the body. I’ve personally found that some small cancers can be removed through prayer and larger ones may even be reduced in size if someone has recently put in hard work, selfless or good deeds and has a positive attitude.
A person can begin the process of working on healing their body through meditation. This is done by sitting in an appropriate position, usually, this is either cross-legged, in the lotus position or if seated with feet flat to the floor. This can include a finger lock that places fingertips together, often this is the index finger and thumb unless you know about other variations.
By placing one’s awareness on different areas of the body including various organs or muscle groups you may begin to relax the body and mind to the point you begin to trigger and stimulate the body and mind to begin to dissolve negative energies, release trauma and even heal cancers at these locations, however, it’s necessary to maintain conscious awareness throughout and not allow yourself to simply fall asleep or to drift into daydreaming thoughts.
At times you may experience mild or moderate sexual arousal and the purpose of this is usually partly to mitigate unpleasant feelings and to help someone feel safe. Sexual energy has the ability to transmute emotional or psychological pain and trauma and in addition to this sexual energy has a natural ability to clear a darker or stagnant energy from the body. This process is often what happens when working through a tantric healing session, which can either be done alone or with a healer who knows about energy and chakras. Stuck negative energy typically feels quite unpleasant and if it is not released, over time it will become responsible for physical dysfunctions and health problems will begin to manifest and occur in the physical body.
The Purpose of Body Hair
Body hair is supposed to be used to help someone process and release trauma by releasing negative energies from the body and helping muscles to surrender and relax. Whilst all hair facilitates this process, areas like facial hair or beards and pubic mound hair are more important. This hair is to be lightly stroked by pulling on it to release internal trauma from the body. Whereas other hair it seems it is more necessary to pluck and remove such as around the genitals, upper leg and groin, especially the backs of the legs, back and the whole of the hands and arms using waxing or plucking. Hair removal creams, whilst this may remove the hair, it does not surrender the muscles.
Body hair growth is frequently a natural response to spiritual problems relating to trauma including things resulting from excessive anger such as the desire to inflict harm, sexual addictions such as excessive masturbation or sexual karma from instances of sexual perversions or sexual violations against oneself or another person such as coveting another partner. Processing trauma using body hair often yields additional intuitive information giving details as to why it has appeared and can help to heal the underlying trauma once it is stroked or removed depending on where it is located.
Holistic Therapies
Psychotherapy can be beneficial for healing the emotions and mental and emotional content, trauma can be worked on and processed during sessions and can help one through achieving realisations about oneself or a situation, often triggering a natural cathartic release of past pent up emotions, sometimes this is accompanied by a physical shuddering effect and energetic release of negative or stagnant energies. Developed spiritual or highly intuitive therapists may also be able to pick up on certain issues or things by processing the energy from their client’s chakras, enabling sessions to bring unconscious material into conscious awareness to be discussed, worked through and resolved or brought to a conclusion.
Reflexology is particularly effective at causing the body to surrender from the hands or feet and can allow one to let go of past trauma stored in the tendons and muscles of the feet, legs and pelvis as well as the arms and upper back. A tender caring and deliberate physical touch can produce heightened sensitivity that will eventually pull emotional pain and trauma from the body so that it can be safely healed and released.
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture also works by surrendering the body and helps to focus the mind on an area or part of the body that’s storing a muscular blockage, negative energy or trauma and it’s excellent for chronic pain problems in the body alongside massage.
There is often a spiritual healing side that companies an acupuncture session as I’ve frequently been able to witness seeing people (healing guides) as moving pictures and images behind my closed eyes. From within this mental space, they are able to do many things from this hidden or veiled layer of reality we can’t normally see or interact with from the physical waking state of consciousness without meditating or going into an altered dream state.
Acupressure sometimes comes in the form of triggering pressure points in massage, however, very light sustained touch is often all that is required to begin to bring trauma, emotional wounding and past karma to the surface. Holding or placing a small crystal in the palm of the hand and allowing it to rest naturally is a great way of achieving this and is an effective way of treating anger issues that have trapped tension in the fingers causing stress to the arm and shoulder. Delicately placing the tip of a finger against a body part can also facilitate this.
Trauma Release Exercise (TRE)
Trauma release or TRE is a therapy that can assist in releasing trauma and emotional issues by focusing on one of the main areas where trauma is stored in the body, which is in the hips, hamstrings and pelvic muscles, which is also connected to the root chakra. This method works by triggering the nervous system into an automatic shaking of the hips.
and tension winding points behind the toes in the feet, Trauma is released over time by gently stretching the muscles and tendons in the legs that run from the feet and through the legs and pelvis. At times it can also trigger an assisted shaking of these muscles by stimulating the nervous system, something that people sometimes also experience during sex.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
This is a simple technique that involves applying pressure by gently tapping on parts of the body, often it’s done on acupressure points on the head and face. By applying firm but gentle pressure you may begin the process of releasing emotional trauma trapped in parts of the body that have been physically, mentally and emotionally affected. I found that tapping down the brow and forehead for example began releasing past issues and would begin to restore and correct small physical deformations to parts of the brows and nose for example.
This method of tapping to release trauma can be used anywhere on the body but seems particularly suited and effective when used on the head or face and it does require patience to do, the touch also cannot be blunt or too casual as this won’t surrender the body and mind properly. Practioners of this technique focus on different points that they cycle across from the face, arms and fingers for example.