How to Ground your Spiritual Energy

Shamanic Tree Roots

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This is a short guide teaching you how to ground your spiritual energy and is especially useful for energy healers and therapists, psychics or someone going through a spiritual awakening such as a Kundalini Awakening. All the main different types of grounding have in common the stated purpose of settling, harmonising and bringing back under control, an ungrounded aspect of self such as mental, emotional and physical grounding, but in this case we’re mainly working with subtle energy.

During spiritual awakening, a person will experience strong currents of subtle energy flowing through different parts of the body as the dormant spiritual energy system becomes activated and unblocked, this is when energy will begin to flow and move more frequently. Individuals who are are healers such as Reiki practitioners and psychics with natural spiritual gifts or anyone who is currently in the process of learning or waking up latent spiritual gifts are also encouraged to practise this energy grounding technique outlined below to bring about energy stability when necessary.

Energy can be experienced as slow or fast currents of energy moving around the body, at certain times it is more calm and may flow rather like water and at others it becomes more intense and feels like torrents of electricity, this is when it can become difficult to control or handle and may make someone feel or become ungrounded on all levels, which is where this specific energy grounding practice is most useful as it is the energy in my experience that seems to be responsible for underpin many of the other aspects because it influences mood, emotion, mind and comfort.

Once the subtle metaphysical spiritual anatomy is awakened, subtle energy will typically begin to flow down the legs and out of the body with the main sensations being felt from behind the backs of the toes in the feet. This may feel like a strong rippling current that will make the toes appear to want to move or flex and make small spontaneous movements on their own and they may even seem or feel to buzz and tingle.

Everybody needs to be able to ground from the pelvic floor, this area along with the legs are where the most friction from anxiety is created and the root chakra also located here is the metaphysical part of the body where anothers energy can connect with your body, often to provide grounding. Therapists can also become atuned to helping their clients grounding and hold space for someone here by connecting in order to make someone feel safe so they can express and access what they need to without being made too uncomfortable, however being too pushy in thsi way can result in broken boundaries or make them even more uncomfortable.

Every person also has a natural thin energetic grounding cord extending down from the pelvic floor to the feet and ground. I acknowledge this exists as I was once able to feel this whilst I was learning energy healing and it feels like a thin metaphysical thread of energy that can almost be plucked and pulled against like the string on a musical instrument. I do believe things can go wrong with this cord or that it is unable to cope with everything one may experience, but it plays an important part in grounding from the root chakra.

Higher up in the body, this energy will begin to connect up through the legs all the way up to the pelvic floor. The movement and tactile sensations of this can be surprising for someone that has not experienced the tactile feelings of one’s own energy before and could be mistaken for a type of sensory hallucination.

Did you know that wood can be used to safely ground excess energy? I was told that connecting to something made of wood is ideal for grounding energy currents that come with certain ignited emotions such as intense anger. This is probably not responsible for the reason why some people like to hug trees, which is more about an emotional connection to the earth, however during Kundalini this might actually be a good thing to do at times!

Grounding Energy

During a spiritual awakening people may experience intense energies due to emotional content or trauma rising to the surface that corresponds to old or suppressed grievances and unacknowledged traumas that have never been fully properly been acknowledged, processed or resolved. This trauma can arise from within in the body, the psyche or even the soul and create energetic, emotional and mental instability as it triggers a response.

A person that does not ground these strong emotional energies during an energetic clearing are likely to find themselves becoming emotionally and energetically unstable as the energy interacts with the inner energy fields of the body and nervous system. An unconscious person (someone who is almost totally mind-identified), once ungrounded may become out of control and act out the consequences of released emotions or supressed anger as they are forced into confronting or processing this within the mind, ego and body.

Another time I’d somehow managed to create and store a lot of sexual energy, there was so much of it that it was causing me  severe mania and distress, my pelvic floor was burning and my mind was completely racing out of control. This may have been where I first realised that energy in the body also connects with the physical brain and some of our energies become a mental energy expression as thoughts through the mind, something I believe that is also associated with and connected to ungrounded bipolar energy states.

Some of this energy was allowed to be released and bleed away by laying in the recovery position, the following day I lay on the floor still somewhat distressed and rested my legs on the edge of my bed, at this point my normal grounding cord expanded in diametre and a much slower wide beam of energy was this time released and onyl after this did I seem to return to normal. I wasn’t sure how or why this happened, but I again suspected spiritual help was involved from someone else.

This can be expressed as an emotional form of self-possession as one loses control of one’s own thoughts and mind and then as a consequence they may also lose control of their physical body and actions which can threaten to result in a manic-episode and this is one of the causes of mania in an individual as the person loses a sense of self-perspective, situation and ungrounds in mind, body and spirit which often can progress in a psychotic state or psychosis.

Grounding and Earthing

Shamanic Root System

Some of energies being released require a different sort of grounding in order to actually remove the energy in whole or part from the body and send it safely away somewhere it can break down and become transmuted. Usually these are negative energies or impurities  and the basis for these exercises comes from two modern western Shaman’s by the names of Steve Deeks-D’silva and Mary Muller Shutan.

However when your spiritual energy is surging or threatening to surge you can construct a Shamanic roots system using your mind and intention in order to pull and direct your spiritual energy currents out of the body and safely down into the ground. You can also try this whilst standing up, but may find it easier or refer to begin by finding somewhere comfortable where you can either sit on the ground or be sat upright in a chair with a straight back and have your feet planted firmly with the soles of the feet flat against the ground as this will also aid tension being released.

This grounding exercise is acheived by visualising in your mind’s eye or psychic-visualisation to build, construct and see a strong root system emerging from your feet and burrowing deep down into the earth below you. This root system is metaphysical and constructed from mental energy and may seem to appear in an intersecting plane where energy and form can be expressed.

Ideally, you should see your roots passing through different layers of earth, rock and sediment in order to build a strong intention for its removal and grounding. Do your best to make the intention and picture clear and detailed in your visualisation, almost as if you are seeing a movie or video playing in your mind and seeing the roots spreading out and digging deeper like a tree until it goes beyond the lower levels of the earth crust, mantles and wraps around a solid iron core.

For inspired visionary concept art depicting this roots visualisation please check out Erica Wexler’s artwork for a great graphical depiction of grounding as it relates to primal energy.

Erica Wexler Artwork

The same shamanic root grounding exercise can also be used for removing a range of negative spiritual energies from the body by directing them out of the body, down the legs and out of the feet chakras where they can be directed safely away. People who have clairvoyance or gifted psychics may even experience Gaia or other nature spirits like the Fey in their personified human spirit forms visiting you as they can assist in either your clearing and grounding practises, particularly if you’re in a natural setting or environment.

In order for the visualisation and grounding to be most effective, you will need to concentrate and be very deliberate with your intentions about what you’re trying to achieve. This grounding exercise can even be done in a top-floor flat or high rise apartment as in these instances energy grounds through one of the lower off-body chakras positioned below the feet and off the body.

Barefoot earthing and grounding

Barefoot Earthing

We each have chakras in the base of each foot in order to facilitate natural earthing and grounding and so walking barefoot on the earth is one of the main ways of temporarily providing grounding for your spiritual energy, however it’s not the most practical, but feel free to simply take off your shoes and socks and find a patch of grass or dirt and start walking around and sink your feet into some earth for a period of time.

If you live near parks, forests, rivers, streams or near the sea or another place of natural beauty then these are also ideal and excellent locations to go grounding or clearing out stagnant residual energy. This method may be preferable in an emergency situation if you have a garden, for example certain strong Kundalini energies, as it may not be possible to concentrate and do visualisation exercises.

Be mindful of your level of self-control and self-awareness as strong energy can also lead to mental and emotional ungrounding and loss of awareness of one’s present situation, place and perspectives, which can even trigger a psychosis.

During intense times of energetic ungrounding, it is also possible to receive earth energy in order to provide grounding and this will rise from the earth chakra and travel through the feet and up the legs in order to provide inner stability to the body and soul within. I experienced this energetic earthing effect the first time during a panic-attack I was experiencing on a London tube train and during this, I silently and inwardly prayed for higher help from within the spirit realm who assisted by sending earth energy into me which felt as if it was coming from below the train carriage. I felt and perceived this as many combining energetic threads of white light weaving together and rising up my legs in a spiral pattern. I’m sure this helped prevent my state of panic from getting out of control. The second time I experienced this more rare method of grounding was during a spiritual crisis situation during an instance of attempted spiritual possession by some sort of malicious dark spirit entity interacting with my energy body.

Grounding with Crystals

Two of my preferred grounding crystals are Hematite iron in the form of large palm stones and large pieces of flint stone. I tend to place the smooth and flat hematites behind the spine at the tailbone position near the root chakra and then I will often rest my feet on the large pieces of flint stone that I place at my feet or at the end of my bed and this has even helped to prevent instances of sleeplessness or insomnia due to racing energy. It’s common for hematite to be made into pieces of jewllerry, which I also believe can help at times.

Grounding Circle

I hope that you can now use these methods in order to support yourself through grounding or help people with their spiritual awakening process.

About David George

After a long kundalini awakening lasting many years, I eventually emerged as an enlightened mystic in 2017. I write and share information on spiritual evolution and a range of psycho-spiritual health topics.

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